
Smear tactics of GOP excoriated

Re “GOP makes a target of Obama,” April 25

Do the Republicans still not get it? They have decided to begin attacking Barack Obama. Don’t they understand that I don’t want one presidential candidate telling me what a loser the other is? I want the candidates to tell me what they’re going to do for this country. One GOP strategist said: “Hillary [Clinton] is a better target for us. But the more you see Obama in action, the better we’re liking him.” A perfect example of the GOP mind-set: If the person is a viable threat to the Republican candidate, launch a preemptive strike and try to convince the country that the Democrat is a loser. It’s time to move on, people. I don’t know about the rest of the country, but I can’t handle another four years of war-mongering Republican leadership.

Daniel V. Shannon


Just listen to conservative pundits tout Clinton as the one who represents the best chance to beat John McCain. Why would dyed-in-the-wool conservatives push for such a choice? Clinton has poisoned the Democratic Party waters in her quest for the presidency by slander and the ridiculous math she offers to show her supposed commanding lead over Obama.

If the Clinton slime machine succeeds in derailing the candidate who offers change, then history will judge her as the Democratic candidate who facilitated the continuation of the disastrous leadership our nation has endured for more than seven years.


Four more years of McBush is not an option.

Jack Kenna


I wonder why the media, including The Times, are being baited into this whole “Is Obama electable?” non-question. Obama leads Clinton in the popular vote, has more pledged delegates and twice the states won. Shouldn’t the question actually be: “Is Clinton electable?”

It seems to me we are witnessing the Clinton machine’s attempt to grease the wheels for a convention coup, wherein the superdelegates overturn the popular will by awarding Clinton the nomination. To do so would damage, if not destroy, the Democratic Party for a generation.

Jason W. Perrault

Studio City

Here we go again: The GOP smear machine is firing up its greasy engines for a busy season of running dishonest ads designed to frighten less-educated, lower-income individuals whom they see as gullible and not bright enough to vet the candidates and decide for themselves.


Shame on the Republicans for peddling lies and distortions about worthy candidates who could do much good for the country. And shame on them for deceiving their own base as if they were a bunch of naive suckers and rubes. It just shows that the GOP is incapable of winning honestly.

Mike Laskavy

Oak Park
