
Rehab company sues city for bias

The largest operator of drug rehabilitation homes in Newport Beach filed suit against the city for discrimination Friday, a day after an ordinance restricting the facilities took effect.

Sober Living by the Sea, which runs 37 drug and alcohol recovery homes in Newport Beach, said the ordinance violates the Americans With Disabilities Act and federal fair housing laws because it targets recovering drug and alcohol users, who are considered disabled by law.

The City Council passed the ordinance unanimously last month, after more than a year of prodding by neighborhood activists, who say recovery homes have spread out of control in recent years. A city survey found that the city has at least 76, only 28 of which are required to be regulated by the state.


By approving the law, the City Council “acted in response to a small but vocal group . . . motivated by discriminatory animus against persons in recovery from drug and alcohol abuse,” according to the suit.

-- Tony Barboza
