
An education on getting a gun

Re “He wants guns on campus,” Column One, March 5

The idea that allowing students to carry guns on campus would prevent or deter the shootings plaguing our country is perverted logic.

It makes the assumption that gun owners are trained marksmen. Just because someone has a driver’s license does not mean he is qualified to drive a Formula One race car. Lethal force should be limited to people who are trained to use it.

If we allow students to carry guns, perhaps more people will be injured or killed in crossfires. Perhaps the shooter will see someone drawing a weapon and shoot him first. Perhaps people will resort to violence sooner because they carry weapons.


Many of the people who carry out these crimes are suicidal, so the idea that guns would be a deterrent is meaningless. The danger is that people are becomingly increasingly drawn to using violence to solve problems, and The Times should not provide a platform to such solutions.

Tate Gardner


Thanks for the primer on buying guns. One thing wasn’t clear -- is it easier to purchase guns on the phone or online? Will you follow up on how many gun orders Thompson gets from Southern California in the next week or so?

Steve Freedman

