
Free speech or organized mobs?

Re “Healthcare debate gets uglier,” Aug. 6

I appreciate The Times acknowledging that the nationwide disruption of “town hall” meetings has been organized by lobbyists funded by health insurers and their allies. But I was astounded that the article noted: “Still, there is evidence of genuine public opposition,” as if anyone disputes this.

Of course citizens expressing fury are sincere. But the vast majority of their outrage is premised on utter fiction fed to them by the health insurers and their agents. The opponents are sincere in large part because they’ve been duped with absurd lies that the reforms include forced euthanasia for the elderly, cancellation of existing private insurance policies and government bureaucrats making healthcare decisions.

William Rogers



The Democratic National Committee calls citizens who are rightfully expressing their dissatisfaction to the huge healthcare bill “organized mobs.”


Added to citizen dissatisfaction are the promised tax burden by cap-and-trade legislation, the bailouts of automakers and bankers and the fact that unemployment continues to rise. The possibility of national bankruptcy and high inflation stirs citizen consciences because of the trillions of dollars of debt being realized by the spend-happy Democrats encouraged by President Obama.

Anti-reform mobs? No, just citizens speaking up.

Otis Page

Arroyo Grande
