
No need for Measure B

Re “Vote no on B,” editorial, Feb. 26

I agree with The Times’ recommendation to vote no on Measure B, but for additional reasons. Voters should not be asked to approve ordinances, which are usually too complex for proper consideration.

Also, no one should circulate or sign a petition for a proposition or vote for any proposition that contains, as this one does, a requirement for a supermajority to amend or repeal it. Such provisions make government more rigid and less responsive than it should be.

Stephanie Nordlinger

Los Angeles


Proponents of Measure B imply there is no alternative to their plan to install 400 megawatts of photovoltaic power. But there is: AB 811, signed into law by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger last year.


AB 811 authorizes cities to create solar assessment districts and solar loan funds to help homeowners and businesses owners finance the purchase of photovoltaic systems. It aims to eliminate the principal hurdle to acquiring a photovoltaic system: the upfront cost to the property owner. The loans would be repaid through a 20-year property tax assessment. Interest rates can be at or below market.

San Diego, Berkeley and Palm Desert are developing AB 811 programs. So should Los Angeles.

Peter Parrish

Los Angeles

The writer is a licensed solar contractor.
