
Shop the globe on

Special to the Los AngelesTimes

Do you regret not buying that silver platter in Mexico or the bracelet you swore you’d go back and pick up when you were in India? Then consider a little armchair shopping on

What’s hot: Jena Gardner, chief executive of JG Black Book of Travel, a luxury travel marketer, curates a long list of handmade products from around the world. You can shop by region or type of item, including travel accessories. Click on a product to read the story behind the local artisan who created it. Then click on the “Empowering” tab to learn more about the artist or organizations trying to help disadvantaged craftspeople. If you think you have an eye for unique finds during your travels, click on “Passionate Shoppers” to see how you can expand the product line (and earn a commission too).

What’s not: Be ready to open your wallet wide. Some items cost hundreds of dollars. The upside is that the Travelers Collection says it donates a portion of its net proceeds to Vital Voices, which aims to empower emerging women leaders.
