War Horse
Andrew Veenstra celebrates the purchase of the young foal he calls Joey in the Tony-winning play “War Horse” at the Ahmanson Theatre. Puppeteers are, from left, Laurabeth Breya, Catherine Gowl and Nick Lamedica. (Kirk McKoy/Los Angeles Times)
Puppeteer Laurabeth Breya, right, operates the head of Joey as a foal in the Tony-winning play “War Horse” at the Ahmanson Theatre. Other horse puppeteers are Catherine Gowl, middle, and Nick Lamedica. (Kirk McKoy/Los Angeles Times)
Andrew Veenstra (playing Albert Narracott) mounts the horse Joey for the first time in the Tony-winning play “War Horse” at the Ahmanson Theatre. Puppeteer Christopher Mai operates the head of the horse. (Kirk McKoy/Los Angeles Times)
Andrew Veenstra is forced to teach the horse how to plow a field in the Tony-winning play “War Horse” at the Ahmanson Theatre. (Kirk McKoy/Los Angeles Times)
Brian Keane (playing Arthur Narracott), left, gives his son (Michael Wyatt Cox) a knife his father gave him when he went off to war in the Tony-winning play “War Horse” at the Ahmanson Theatre. (Kirk McKoy/Los Angeles Times)
Andrew Veenstra (playing Albert Narracott) closes his eye as he reaches out to touch Joey for the first time in the Tony-winning play “War Horse” at the Ahmanson Theatre. (Kirk McKoy/Los Angeles Times)
Jason Laughlin (Lieutenant James Nicholls) tries to calm Joey in the Tony-winning play “War Horse” at the Ahmanson Theatre. Puppeteer Christopher Mai operates the head of Joey. (Kirk McKoy/Los Angeles Times)
The horse Joey rears in protest when Andrew Veenstra tries to place a horse collar around its neck in the Tony-winning play “War Horse” at the Ahmanson Theatre. (Kirk McKoy/Los Angeles Times)
A very upset Andrew Veenstra (Albert Narracott) is told by Jason Loughlin (Lieutenant James Nicholls) that he must say goodbye to the horse in the Tony-winning play “War Horse” at the Ahmanson Theatre. (Kirk McKoy/Los Angeles Times)
Grayson DeJusus (Capt. Charles Stewart), left, and Michael Waytt Cox (Billy Narracott) atop Joey prepare to charge into battle in the Tony-winning play “War Horse” at the Ahmanson Theatre. (Kirk McKoy/Los Angeles Times)