Hollywood Headlines: a crazy week in review
Can we blame him? Just click already. (Ethan Miller / Associated Press)
Just when Howard Stern’s downgraded vehicle of public notoriety seemed to be sputtering to a halt, the shock jock made headlines again during Oscar season by -- what else? -- insulting people. This time, the remarks came at the expense of “Precious” star Gabourey Sidibe. (Stuart Ramson / Associated Press)
No doubt, one of the major mistakes of the 2010 Oscars was the omission of Farrah Fawcett from the “In Memoriam” section. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences eventually made some apologies, (Chris O’Meara / Associated Press)
Hooo-wee! After all those Academy Awards after-parties, we’re still nursing a hangover, placing apologetic texts and finding
Indeed, it’s true: No more Dr. Izzie for fans of Grey’s Anatomy (those of us left, that is). After six years on the show, actress Katherine Heigl will be not returning, in favor of working on her film career and (presumably) spending time with her newly adopted daughter, Nancy Leigh. Click here for the scoop. (Chris Pizzello / Associated Press)
Although he lost the battle of the late night titans, Conan’s “comeback” is just around the corner: the red-headed wonder-wit just announced the dates for his Legally Prohibited From Being Funny on TV tour, which stops at 30 cities around the country. Team Coco for the win! Click here for more details. (Frederick M. Brown / Getty Images)