
Recipe: Lamb Bastids

Note: Melissa Manchester says her mom, Ruth, “always goes into the kitchen in a crisis.” Another of our Great Home Cooks, her Lamb Bastids (you have to say it with a New York accent to understand) certainly caused a panic in the Test Kitchen.

Juice of 3 lemons (about 1/2 cup)

2 (14-ounce) bottles Chris & Pitts barbecue sauce

2 (5-ounce) bottles red horseradish

1 (18-ounce) jar apricot-pineapple jam

60 lamb riblets (about 7 pounds)

Combine lemon juice, barbecue sauce, horseradish and jam in large bowl. Add riblets, cover and marinate in refrigerator overnight.

Line large pan with foil. Place riblets in pan and bake at 350 degrees 1 hour until glazed. Turn riblets, brush with sauce and bake 30 minutes to 1 hour more or until dark brown. Makes 8 servings.


Each serving contains about: 583 calories; 723 mg sodium; 148 mg cholesterol; 20 grams fat; 60 grams carbohydrates; 44 grams protein; 1.69 grams fiber.
