
Florida high school puts on musical about Publix

The Daily Meal

A Florida high school made a 30-minute musical about the regional supermarket chain Publix.

Students of the Harrison School for the Arts, located in Lakeland, where Publix is headquartered, performed their musical about Publix and its founder George W. Jenkins, titled When You Dream, at the Lakeland Chamber of Commerce.

The musical, written and directed by the school’s principal, Daryl Ward, with original songs by teacher Tyler Campbell, addresses Jenkins’ story from humble beginnings as a Piggly Wiggly employee to grocery store owner and beyond. Although it was originally a one-night-only show, the students will perform it again for the school’s annual fundraising gala.


A spokesperson for Publix told The Daily Meal, “The musical put together and performed by the students at Harrison School of the Arts was amazing. They brought to life part of our history and our culture.”

Never been to a Publix? Here’s what supermarket chains look like around the world.


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