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You might think the people you hired to help arrange your retirement finances have to put your best interests first.
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The Obama administration is unveiling rules that will require that brokers who recommend investments for retirement savers meet the stricter standard that now applies to investment advisors: They must act as fiduciaries — trustees legally obligated to put their clients’ best interests above all.
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The approach of retirement should be an exciting time for 50- and 60-somethings.
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Choosing how to invest retirement savings often ends up being a dartboard exercise for younger people, because it all seems so theoretical.
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As a growing number of Baby Boomers age out of the workforce, they’re confronting one of the downsides of longer lifespans: their failure to save enough for retirement.
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California has taken a step closer to becoming the first state to make retirement savings accounts a near-universal benefit for workers with a plan that lawmakers hope will help ease an expected massive shortfall in retirement savings.
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A recent study shows nearly half of California workers don’t have a retirement savings plan available at work, and the U.S.