
Eli Manning reveals the meaning of ‘Omaha’

New York Giants quarterback Eli Manning runs a play during an organized team activity on May 27.

New York Giants quarterback Eli Manning runs a play during an organized team activity on May 27.

(Julio Cortez / Associated Press)

Eli Manning gave New York Giants season ticket holders their money’s worth during an event earlier this week.

The crowd assembled for a Giants town hall meeting in Manhattan were the first to learn, once and for all, why Manning and his brother, Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning, frequently yell the word “Omaha” while calling signals at the line of scrimmage.

Manning said that the Nebraska city once actually had its own page in the Giants’ playbook. But it’s no longer in there, he said, so “I think I can actually finally tell what Omaha meant.”


“Basically ‘Omaha’ was, you know, maybe we change the play, or maybe when I was changing protection, or [offensive lineman David] Diehl had to tie his shoe or something and was taking forever and the play clock’s running down,” Manning said. “And ‘Omaha’ just told everybody to put their hand in the ground, shut up, and the ball’s about to be snapped.

“So I’m going to say ‘Omaha,’ I’m going to say it again and say ‘set hut’ and do whatever you think you need to be doing and let’s go play football.”

The crowd seemed to appreciate Manning’s explanation, but he really only told us what we’ve already been able to figure out on our own.


What I’d really like to know is, why “Omaha?” Does that city have some sort of significance to the Manning family? Why not “New Orleans,” Peyton and Eli’s hometown? Or “nebula,” “ballerina,” “hogwash” or any other random word they might have chosen.

I wonder if the Broncos have a town hall meeting coming up.

Twitter: @chewkiii


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