Recall for Wisconsin governor begins
Linda Hedenblad, of Madison (center) brings a likeness of Wisconsin Gov.
Chicago Tribune
Ben Rogall, 49, of Madison, explains the concept of recall to his 4-year-old son Bjorn as he signs petitions to force a recall vote on Wisconsin Gov.
Volunteers collect signatures on petitions to force a recall vote on Wisconsin Gov.
The Solidarity Singers, who have been singing protest songs at noon in or around the Capitol for months, held a special gathering to kick off the first day of petition signing to force a recall vote on Wisconsin Gov.
On top of the granite dome of the Wisconsin State Capitol stands the gilded bronze statue “Wisconsin” which symbolizes the state motto “Forward.” The figure has graced the top of the Capitol since 1914. (Michael Tercha/Chicago Tribune)
A school group visiting the State Capitol in Madison, Wis. has recess on the lawn. (Michael Tercha/Chicago Tribune)
Volunteer Omar Poler, 34, of Madison (left) helps Jack Mitchell, 73, of Madison sign a petition to force a recall vote on Wisconsin Gov.
Volunteer Joanie Kanter, of Madison (right) helps Carlos Gonzales, 53, of Madison (left) sign a petition to force a recall vote on Wisconsin Gov.
Volunteers gather to collect signatures on petitions to force a recall vote on Wisconsin Gov.
Volunteer Bob Kaspar, 62, of Madison (left) collects signatures on petitions to force a recall vote on Wisconsin Gov.