
Letters: Norman Lear’s gift to us all

Re “Patt Morrison Asks: Norman Lear,” Opinion, June 20

Thanks for the conversation with Norman Lear, a man who made a difference — and made us laugh along the way.

I do, however, disagree with his claim, “The left gave away God and moral values and the flag.”


The religious right doesn’t hold the high ground on morality. Morality is based in fact, not belief. A community’s morality is evident in practices from which all members benefit. The religious right relies on doctrine to guide its morality, never mind that its doctrine has not kept pace with modernity.

For example, there is no empirical evidence that shows that same-sex marriage is harmful, a fact that is being confirmed as this issue works its way through our courts.

As long as we look to the religious right for moral values, we will be like Archie Bunker on his backside promoting bigotry and prejudice.


Paul Yeuell


I had the pleasure of meeting and working with Lear years ago. He offered support and leadership to an organization involved in land preservation.

I agree with Patt Morrison that Lear revolutionized TV. He brought prejudice and other difficult subjects into our living rooms, which made us think. I only wish there were dozens more like Lear so that current TV would have more meaning and relevance.

Marlene Bronson

Los Angeles


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