
Letters to the Editor: Leading preschoolers in an anti-Biden chant isn’t just a ‘mistake’

Signage of Turning Point Christian School in Norco, Calif.
A video of preschoolers chanting a political statement against President Biden was posted on an internal app for parents at Turning Point Christian School in Norco, Calif.

To the editor: Your article stated that the video of a preschool teacher leading her 4- and 5-year-old students in a chant against President Biden was removed from the app where she posted it, but the teacher was not removed.

Turning Point Christian School’s justification for keeping the teacher in the classroom was that she “has learned from her mistake.”

Everyone needs to be clear that this was not a mistake on the teacher’s part. It was a deliberate and planned political attack on a sitting president, using preschoolers as the medium.


A person who was so pleased about what she did that she sent the video to parents is not going to “learn” any lesson except that she can use her position of trust to indoctrinate very young children with her divisive and disrespectful views and get away with it. It is equally clear that the school is endorsing the teacher’s actions by failing to enact appropriate consequences.

Susan Painter, Venice


To the editor: A video has emerged of an event at Turning Point Christian School in Riverside County. It shows a preschool teacher leading students in a chant against President Biden.

Tyrone Howard, professor of education at UCLA, was quoted as saying that the video was shocking because it took some rehearsing, practicing and coordination. The mother of a student who was “front and center” in the video said school officials told her the teacher would remain in the classroom because she was “repentant and has learned from her mistake.”


What are the ethics, agenda and standards of a school that allows a teacher like this to remain in the classroom because she is sorry? What other indoctrination lessons are these very young children learning at Turning Point?

Gini Hassing, Arroyo Grande, Calif.
