
Readers React:  ‘Chinatown’ was just a movie; focus on real water solutions

To the editor: Like the movie “Chinatown,” Gary Polakovic’s piece is entertaining and sensational. But it omits key points. (“‘Chinatown’ in real life: In L.A., you have to follow the water,” Op-Ed, June 19)

For example, not one word is written about groundwater, a significant water source in California. Polakovic does not talk about designing more efficient systems to capture storm water runoff and thereby utilize the massive amounts of water that are presently lost to the ocean.

Unmentioned is the promise of water recycling and the option of building more facilities to reuse water. Also, although desalination may not be a favored option at present, there is a vast, unlimited sea of water offshore, and it is an option if things get really bad.


Using the 40th anniversary of a movie to make a point may be fun. However, without the presentation of real policy options, this piece is make-believe.

What would Jake think about this Op-Ed article?

Calvin Naito, Los Angeles


To the editor: Yes, California has hundreds of golf courses. California has more of everything, especially people. But those golf courses use less than 1%

of the potable water consumed in the state while generating the most revenue per acre-foot of water among “large landscape” or turf-related businesses: $11.3 billion per year.


In addition, the golf industry meets regularly with water providers to reduce the industry’s water footprint and to meet conservation mandates enshrined in state and local law.

Indeed, here in Los Angeles, the Department of Water and Power reports that the game’s water footprint has been reduced by 23% since the public utility and the industry began collaborating in 2009.

These are just a few pertinent facts to add to Polakovic’s sweeping


Craig Kessler, Studio City

The writer is director of governmental affairs for the Southern California Golf Assn.


To the editor: Last week I drove the 101 Freeway to San Francisco and passed by much farmland. I noticed sprinklers throwing water high in the air on warm days, while the sun was still high in the sky.


I think about this as I refrain from flushing unless it’s “necessary” and as I take shorter showers. I can only imagine the amount of wasted water I could have seen driving the 5 Freeway.

If farmers cannot use drip irrigation, how about telling them to use their sprinklers at night, when the water will do more good for crops instead of evaporating before it hits the ground?

Michele Hart-Rico, Los Angeles
