
Readers React: Are Sanders and Clinton snatching defeat from the jaws of victory?

To the editor: Campaign rallies and fights between Democratic presidential candidates Sen. Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton (“Hillary Clinton keeps losing. So how come she’s winning?” May 18) can be aptly described by paraphrasing the following story from Aesop’s fables:

Two monkeys are fighting and quarreling over a banana. A clever fox comes and steals the banana but the monkeys continue to quarrel, ignoring the effect of the fight.

I write this as a frustrated Democrat.

Ram Ganguly, Redondo Beach


To the editor: Thanks to The Times for the simpleton’s guide to why the revolution isn’t working.

My favorite take-away was this: Superdelegates are “leavening the will of the people with the presumed wisdom of political insiders.” That should be a bumper sticker.


It’s a far cry from, ”Every vote counts.”

Jaz Kaner, Long Beach

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