
Hillary Clinton’s email scandal: There’s one set of laws for her, another for everyone else

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at a campaign rally in Charlotte, N.C., on July 5.
(Chuck Burton / Associated Press)

To the editor: The FBI’s investigation has ended, and no criminal charges will be filed against presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton related to her email scandal. (“FBI recommends no prosecution in Hillary Clinton email case,” July 5)

She is the Teflon candidate: Whatever impropriety she commits she is absolved of through deceit, lies and political power.

Is Clinton above the law? She was, at a minimum, grossly negligent in the handling of her classified emails regardless of her intent; this should have resulted in criminal charges being filed against her. The FBI’s recommendation is completely inadequate.


How can a person with her checkered background be considered a candidate for president? If she is elected, will she be extremely careless about terrorism, the economy, immigration and foreign policy?

God help us if Clinton becomes president, because she won’t.

Kenneth Bezich, San Pedro


To the editor: After a thorough investigation, the FBI has concluded that the facts indicate that although Clinton was extremely careless in the handling of classified material, her conduct does not rise to the level of an indictment and prosecution because the legal requirement of being intentional was not present.

Biased individuals who have never supported Clinton and never intend to vote for her will not accept the decision and are not above tainting the reputation of the FBI to prove their point.


Due process requires that a person is presumed innocent, and because the FBI has found no criminal violations, it’s time therefore to put this issue behind us and move on to the campaign and the election of the candidate who will best serve the interests of our country.

Richard C. Armendariz, Huntington Beach

The writer is a retired administrative law judge.


To the editor: We now know that Clinton emailed classified information to many people, including President Obama and other top officials. If Clinton were to have been indicted even though she had no nefarious intention, the president and others would be dragged in too, even though they had no intention to harm the United States.

FBI Director James B. Comey did the only thing he could — fall on his sword to save the republic. The sad part is that Clinton does not have the decency to withdraw from public life.


Paul Debban, Rancho Santa Fe


To the editor: The latest pronouncement from Comey moves the American people forward to the next chapter in the Clinton saga. Based on her long history in the public arena, it is reasonable to assume that her arrogance and disdain for rules will continue unabated.

Clinton will probably win the election against likely Republican nominee Donald Trump. Of concern is whether President Clinton will install a sophisticated recording device in the Oval Office to ensure an accurate record of her presidency is preserved and a private email server is put into operation to protect emails that she deems personal.

One can only hope that someone asks whether she has initiated such actions. Of course, that is assuming she will make herself available at some future time for a full-blown news conference where such a question can be asked.

Robert Matthews, San Clemente

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