
Readers React: What the fight to save the Earth’s ozone layer can teach us about combating climate change

To the editor: Thanks for the timely editorial on the continued need for international science-based cooperation to combat ozone depletion and climate change. (“That Antarctic ozone hole the world thought it was fixing? There may be a glitch,” editorial, Feb. 12)

It took a decade to get to the point of agreeing on a chlorofluorocarbon ban and an additional 15 years to see the positive results. The incrementalism of policymaking and consensus-building, and the long road of reversing human-caused damage to the environment, are not reasons to give up but reasons to push forward.

The solutions are out there and will continue to be there. This administration is merely a roadblock, not the end of the road.


Christine Vidovich, San Pedro


To the editor: Your editorial on the ozone hole was needed. The interpretations of science are not always “right,” but they are always open to corrections that move us closer to “right.”

The Earth does not care if we make up our own convenient facts; it will do whatever reality dictates. Pretending that something’s true only because it is convenient takes us down a path that leads to a dangerous future. Environmental problems are not local problems anymore.

We need scientists and engineers from around the world to find solutions to very serious challenges that will decide the future of humanity. Do we fund research to save ourselves with creativity and determination, or do we build walls to hide ourselves in bubbles that will ultimately burst, exposing our ignorance?


I hope your words are heard throughout our great country and echo throughout the world.

Phil Beauchamp, Chino Hills

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