
Vaping is bad, but a nanny state approach won’t work

San Francisco’s ban of the sale of vaping products is the wrong approach, a reader writes.
(Eva Hambach / AFP / Getty Images)

To the editor: That San Francisco is poised to ban all electronic tobacco products until the federal government finally determines its own position on teen vaping brings a bit of disbelief and humor to the table. When will the federal government start governing in a rational manner on issues critical to our safety and well-being?

Nicotine vaping is as addictive as tobacco use: Nicotine stimulates the same nerve receptors as cocaine. Vaping is bad for everyone. More laws with larger and larger penalties are not the answer. Self-control and abstention programs must be offered. Otherwise, the addicted population will continue to grow, as the food-addicted among us become heavier with the plethora of sugared products sanctioned and advertised under government auspices.

Jerome P. Helman, M.D., Venice

Helman is a gastroenterologist focused on nutrition.

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