
Letters to the Editor: The L.A. Times’ disdain for Trump turns off readers and strengthens his support

Supporters of President Trump rally in Beverly Hills on Saturday
Supporters of President Trump rally in Beverly Hills on Saturday after news organizations reported that Joe Biden would win the election.
(Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: The Los Angeles Times Editorial Board seems astonished by the fact that so many people voted for President Trump, and that he received more votes than he did four years ago, as well as a higher percentage of Black and Hispanic voters.

You state, “People are listening, they’re just people who already agreed with us.” As for the people who disagree with you, “they don’t believe what we we’re saying.”

Are you really so surprised that many people did not believe you? You spent four years trying to undermine Trump’s ability to govern. While many of us dislike his aggressive, divisive rhetoric, he had major achievements in both domestic and foreign policy, which you grudgingly acknowledged.


You have lost much credibility with many of your readers because of your biased reporting and obvious disdain for Trump.

Janet Polak, Beverly Hills


To the editor: Just when I thought there was no hope, and just as I was teetering on the verge of canceling my subscription, you go and write a piece that was the most honest, prescient and dare I say enjoyable bit of editorializing I have read in this newspaper since I can’t remember when.

If all media would truly endeavor to keep an open mind concerning the other side’s reality and keep open the lines of communication, there just might be some hope for The Times, journalism in general and the future of this country.


Steve Beck, Glendora


To the editor: You say that many of those who voted for Trump were not reading the L.A. Times or listening to NPR. Rather, they turned to social media, cable news and various websites because they didn’t believe what they were reading in your pages.

My husband and I have been subscribers to the L.A. Times for more than 40 years. We listen to NPR. Shockingly, we actively seek out other voices as both The Times and NPR are so one-sided.

By the way, we both voted for Trump.

Phyllis Dietrichson, Toluca Lake


To the editor: I blame myself. Back in the days when I was studying communications law, we actually believed that in the free marketplace of ideas, the truth will win out.


That was before cable television, which interested me both from technological and policy standpoints. I wrote a law review article that got some attention, then spent a few years helping various cable television companies win the city or county franchise that would enable them to become the local provider.

That was almost 50 years ago, and the 80 channels we were offering have turned into hundreds.

We’ve also learned that we were wrong. In the free marketplace of ideas, people are free to decide based on wherever they feel comfortably connected. And objective truth has nothing to do with it.

Marsha Temple, Los Angeles
