
Audio: The Supreme Court’s deliberations on axing healthcare reform

As reported earlier today by the Times, the Supreme Court continued its deliberations on President Obama’s sweeping healthcare reforms, focusing on whether striking the entire law down would be feasible, and what the fallout would be were the court to take such a drastic action.

Similar to Tuesday’s proceedings, the Justices didn’t fail to keep the pressure on both sides of the debate, keeping the heat on both Edwin Kneedler, deputy solicitor general, and Paul Clement, arguing against the law.

Follow below for some of the standout clips from the Supreme Court as it continues to weigh the pressures of deciding the future of healthcare. And for the full audio of the argument, click here.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor grills Clement on why the law must be decided upon so quickly after its passage, and why it’s solely up to the Supreme Court to decide upon its viability.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg presents the key question of the arguments, whether the court’s decision will be a “wrecking operation ... or a salvage job.”

Justice Antonin Scalia draws laughter from those in attendance by expressing his frustration with Kneedler’s presumed expectation that the court is to be responsible for all 2,700 pages of the healthcare reform legislation.

The question of whether destroying integral components of the healthcare legislation will inevitably necessitate jettisoning everything, good and bad, arises from Justice Stephen Breyer.

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Original source: Audio: The Supreme Court deliberations on axing healthcare reform
