
Web Buzz: RideGuru offers good answers to fare questions

Uber, Lyft or a good old-fashioned taxi? How do you determine which one offers the best fare? Here’s a tool that can help you sort by price.

Name: RideGuru by

What it does: Calculates estimated fares for a variety of ride-share options such as taxis, Uber, Lyft, Sidecar, Hailo, Flywheel and Curb.


What’s hot: Not only did RideGuru give me a side-by-side comparison of fares offered by providers (and the breakdown of cost per initial fare and additional miles, etc.) but it also introduced me to new options such as Sidecar, Flywheel and Curb. The estimate includes a tip for the driver and indicates how far and how long it will take you to get to your destination. Click on the listing for more details, and you’ll see company fare rules as well as a meter with fares you could expect if you encounter light to heavy traffic. For those new to ride-sharing, there’s a simple, easy-to-follow description of what it is and how to use it.

What’s not: Price isn’t everything. I wanted to see photos (or descriptions) of typical cars a traveler might get if he or she chose Lyft instead of Uber or Flywheel instead of Curb, particularly when there’s little difference in cost.

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