
Citymaps app helps users collect, share points of interest

A global map app that enables you to collect and share points of interest.

Name: Citymaps

Available: iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch with iOS 7.0 or later, Android 4.0.2 and up.

Cost: Free.

What’s hot: It’s easy to put together your own map-based guide to favorite hot spots, whether you’re collecting as you travel or planning for a trip. Details include contact info, price rating, hours, reservations where applicable, and directions for those walking, driving or taking a bus. Use the “Explore” feature to find collections, featured mappers and what’s being pinned near you. I particularly liked the “Stream” function to find travel inspiration. Make sure you follow more people than you know.

What’s not: You can connect with other people through the app’s list of Citymaps users, your friends on Facebook, Google Plus and your own contact list. Despite what I think is a fairly tech-savvy group in my networks, I couldn’t find any Citymaps users (yet). Because I couldn’t ask a Facebook friend to help me grow my collection, I had to email or text a friend to add Citymaps in their “Friends” section. Slightly annoying, but not the end of the world.
