
Gociety is a great way to meet great people in the great outdoors

Have you ever wanted to do something fun outdoors but didn’t want to do it alone? Here’s a website that helps you meet new friends who are interested in the same thing.


What it does: It’s a social network that aims to connect like-minded adventurers and fun seekers across a variety of interests: skiing and snowboarding, climbing, hiking, off-roading, scuba diving, cycling, running, fly fishing and more.


What’s hot: The website and its iOS app (for iPhone and iPad) have a very inviting vibe. They want you to have a great time with good people in the outdoors. There are 15,000 members across the website and app (membership is free). When I clicked “Water Sports,” “Fun in the Sun” and “Anywhere,” I found an inspiring “Early Morning Surf and Breakfast” in Costa Rica and an island-hopping tour in the Philippines. Select “All” activities “Anywhere” in the filter to see the most results.

What’s not: I’d like to see a more advanced way to search for activities by destination and dates. I can search “Newest,” “Popular” or “Upcoming” plans from the home page, but I wanted to see those activities on a map. The next best thing is to go to your filter settings and click on the regions that interest you instead of “Anywhere,” which is the default.
