
Before you plan your next trip, watch Sonia Gil of ‘Sonia’s Travels’

Sit back, relax and learn how to make travel easier.


What it does: Sonia Gil is a passionate, language-loving, animated traveler who offers practical travel tips using down-to-earth video blogs on YouTube.

What’s hot: Sonia’s tips are incredibly useful and quick to watch. The “How to Travel” section is ideal for inexperienced travelers or those who need to build their confidence. Topics include how to work out while traveling, how to survive long flights, best advice for packing, traveling with pets, traveling solo and much more. Sonia and “Sonia’s Travels” — the name of her YouTube channel— are addicting.

What’s not: At first glance, the “Trending” links near the top of the website confused me. I thought maybe they were topics trending off-site as ads. But nope, clicking through I found that they were simply shortcuts to hot topics and more videos on her site.
