
Flight cancellation was a surprise to them

Notified? Puhleeze!

I got quite a chuckle out of American Airlines spokesman Tim Smith’s comment in The Times regarding notifying passengers of canceled flights [“Snafu Blues,” On the Spot, July 6].

My daughter and I were recently booked on an American flight from Austin, Texas, to Ontario, Canada. We found out that the flight had been canceled when we tried to get our boarding passes online the day before. American had both my e-mail address and my cellphone number, so what Mr. Smith said is bogus. I was never notified of the cancellation. However, I was able to get refunds for the Austin to Ontario return flight, and we were able to book reservations on Express Jet for a nonstop flight from Austin to Ontario.

Mark McGregor


The cold facts on hot springs

Hugo Martín wrote about a true desert oasis [“Red-Faced at SoCal Hot Springs,” On the Go, July 6]. But here’s a needed splash of cold reality before hundreds of hikers begin swarming this Apple Valley Shangri-La. The Pacific Crest Trail follows Deep Creek and passes right by the springs. Some U.S. Forest Service rules concerning the springs:


* They’re closed from sundown to sunrise.

* No camping is permitted within one mile of Deep Creek.

* No vehicles are allowed within one mile of Deep Creek, including bicycles.

Also, please carry out your refuse. Leave only footprints.

Bill O’Neill


I would like to alert you to an important fact. The Deep Creek thermal pools are colonized by free living amoeba of the species Naegleria, which can lead to a life-threatening and lethal disease. If one insists on swimming in Deep Creek, do not jump into the water and do not put one’s head under the water.

Dr. Robert H. Hecht

Rancho Palos Verdes

Tipping their 10-gallon hats

I am a longtime visitor to the Hunewill Ranch -- 39 years. The article was great [“Novice, in Wrangler Genes,” July 6]. I called [ranch boss] Betsy Hunewill Elliott immediately and read it to her.

Mary K. Corp

Sierra Madre

So great to read the story and watch the video on Hunewill Ranch. Hugo Martín captured the experience beautifully.


Katie Rice

San Rafael, Calif.

No love for Federer’s mug

Regarding “Federer Watches Over Venice,” [Need to Know, July 6]: On a recent trip to Venice, we were appalled to see tennis star Roger Federer’s face plastered across the facade of the Sansovino Library.

I hated the ad.

Georgette Roles

San Clemente
