
Readers recommend

Canada: All’s quiet

Moeller’s Lake View Cottage and Rooms, RR1, Orangedale, Nova Scotia, BOE 2KO; (902) 756-2865, . “This bed-and-breakfast on Bras d’Or Lake has two modern rooms with bath and separate entrances. There is also a one-bedroom cottage for rent. This is a very quiet environment with a family atmosphere. There is swimming, fishing and canoes. The Moellers, a young German couple, live upstairs with their children. Moeller’s is a find. A place for a walk in the woods or to watch the bald eagles fishing.” Doubles from $63 a night.

Colette Meyer



Mexico: casa, sweet casa

Casa Felipe Flores, 36 Calle Dr. J.F. Flores 36, San Cristóbal de Las Casas, 29230 Chiapas; 011-52-967-678-3996, . “We had the good fortune to stay in Casa Felipe Flores on our recent trip to San Cristóbal, and we recommend it highly. The house is wonderful, a traditional Spanish home with a lovely interior courtyard, and the rooms are large, beautifully furnished, each with a modern and spacious bath. The best parts of the experience, however, are the owners and hosts, Nancy and David Orr. Charming, intelligent and knowledgeable, they make you feel like family. San Cristóbal is a wonderful city to visit too, and Nancy and David help you make the most of your stay.” Doubles, with bath and fireplace, $80-$95.

Don Zachary


Send recommendations to Readers Recommend / Travel, Los Angeles Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles CA 90012; fax (213) 237-7355, e-mail [email protected]. Please include your name, address and phone number, as well as the address, phone number and website of the place or person you are recommending.
