
Transportation Woes

The traffic woes of the Echo Park-Dodger Stadium area can be laid in part to the failure of the state Department of Transportation (formerly the Division of Highways) to be able to progress with and complete the freeway system contemplated for the Los Angeles Basin way back in the late 1940s and 1950s.

The continuation of the Glendale Freeway south to the Hollywood Freeway and beyond was killed completely. The completion of the Long Beach Freeway from Valley Boulevard northward into Pasadena has been delayed indefinitely.

Bedroom communities to the north continue to grow at great rates, throwing larger amounts of commuter traffic onto the routes coming south from the San Gabriel Mountain foothills.


Not to mention the failure to plan and build a decent rapid transit system to serve those suburban areas.

Truly, the sins of omission of the fathers are making their children (now adult commuters and Echo Park residents) suffer.


Eagle Rock
