
Dershowitz on Lawyers

Dershowitz’s opinion highlights the lack of self-respect and poor image of the legal profession. One solution to the problem is increased involvement by attorneys in pro bono (free) legal services to the disadvantaged, disabled, and elderly of our community. As president of the board of directors of Bet Tzedek (House of Justice) Legal Services in Los Angeles, I have witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of volunteer attorneys who provide services at no charge to the almost 9,000 poor and elderly clients who walk through our doors each year. In addition to fulfilling the pro bono obligation required of each attorney, providing legal services to Bet Tzedek clients increases pride in oneself and appreciation for the legal profession.

Dershowitz aptly points out that law as a profession is inherently adversarial. Even the best settlement will not likely please either litigant or engender endearment towards their lawyer. However, the loving response from a satisfied Bet Tzedek client is heartwarming and genuine, reminding each volunteer attorney of the profession’s admonition “To Do Justice.” I am proud of my work at Bet Tzedek and the work of my colleagues and peers who support free legal services in our community.


Los Angeles
