
‘Values and Victories’ and the Sheas

I read, with some reluctance, the story (“Values and Victories,” Nov. 12) on Christina and Michael Shea’s “contribution” to the Yes on N campaign. After having my community absorbed with a ballot initiative as unnecessary and divisive as Measure N, and having read all the analysis, rhetoric and verbal posturing in the local paper, I was planning to shake my head sadly and try to get back to a sane, real world following the passage of the modification of the “Human Rights Ordinance.” But here were the Sheas, smiling broadly in their victory, trying to convince the public that their cause is compassion, not Neanderthal bigotry, and I couldn’t let my dismay go unchecked any longer.

As campaign rhetoric goes, the Yes group got off some real gems, claiming at one point that the ordinance, left to stand as is, would mean that homosexual men would be having open sex in public restrooms. Now I’m not much of a student of the law, but I believe it is currently illegal for heterosexuals, such as the Sheas, to have sex in public restrooms, much less homosexuals; if, in fact, this is going on currently within the gay community in Irvine, Measure N would have neither legalized or condoned it.

With so many truly important issues facing us as a community, a state, a nation and a world, I find it both sad and totally believable that Irvine could spend so much time, effort and money on a non-issue as this one. Shame on Mayor Larry Agran for his useless posturing and inflammatory actions, at the expense of pressing city business; for all his years in office, he evidently doesn’t yet know how to lead. And while Michael and Christina Shea pat themselves on the back and delude themselves into thinking they’ve made a better world for their children, the only lesson they’ve taught them is how easy it is to wave the bloody shirt.



