
Seymour Deserved Appointment

I feel that the article about Sen. John Seymour (“Seymour Real Estate Ties Illustrate Ethical Dilemma,” May 27) was very slanted and painted an inaccurate picture of the man. As the legislative chairperson for Region 17 of the Assn. of California School Administrators in the mid-’80s, I had a chance to work with Sen. Seymour, then Assemblyman Seymour, on many occasions in Sacramento.

Sen. Seymour was always on or head of one of the education committees, even though serving on these important committees did nothing to fill his political campaign coffer. John worked diligently for the children of this state and often authored and backed education bills during tight financial years in order that our kids might get a better education.

Sen. Seymour deserved his appointment because he serves the people he represents, regardless of how much money they might provide for his political gain.


