
Homeless Burden Should Fall on County’s Shoulders

When one cannot afford to live in a room, camping is a logical alternative--but not in the Civic Center! On a recent bicycling vacation in Portugal, I stayed several nights in the city campground in Lisbon. My camping neighbors were tourists from all over Europe who, like me, could not afford hotel rooms on vacation.

Surprisingly, most of the campground was occupied, not by tourists, but by residents of Lisbon. The campground provided them with showers, toilets and access by bus to jobs, schools and clinics throughout the city. The homeless of Orange County could be similarly provided with a place to camp that offers amenities and access to social services.

The undeveloped part of Centennial Park (in Santa Ana) could be occupied immediately. Portable toilets could be used while permanent restrooms and showers are built. As a resident of Orange County who is fortunate to have a home, I would willingly pay increased taxes to provide an appropriate camping place for homeless residents.


