
You’re Aloft, But Not Forgotten

I S THERE ANY PLACE LEFT YOU CAN’T SHOP?: Phones on airplanes have been around for years. So have catalogues. Throw the two together and you get a new in-flight service in which United Airlines passengers can order merchandise on airplane phones, then pick up their goodies upon landing.

As Jay Leno recently pointed out on “The Tonight Show,” it brings a whole new meaning to the phrase “Shop till you drop.”

I tried this service from the ground. Non-flyers can call SkyMall, (800) 424-6255, to request a free 96-page United catalogue, which features merchandise from Bloomingdale’s, the Nature Company, Hammacher Schlemmer and others.


Around 3:30 one afternoon, I ordered “Aquis,” billed as an ultra-absorbent, $19 hair towel that dries hair super quickly. Since I wasn’t at the airport, the towel was delivered via a same-day delivery service for $9.95. I was shocked when it arrived at 4:45 p.m., with 1 3/4 hours to spare on the promised three-hour delivery time.

The towel was great. My utterly unscientific estimate is that it dries your hair in about half the time that a cotton towel does.

At the moment, the in-flight shopping service (complete with airport delivery) is available only on United flights landing in Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Atlanta and Phoenix. Same-day deliveries are similarly available only in the metropolitan areas of those cities.


But passengers on other United flights--or folks who don’t live in one of the five cities--can call in their orders and get them delivered by a second-day delivery service.

HOLY BARGAINS, BATMAN! IT’S ANOTHER CHEAPO FIND OF THE WEEK: Mirrored Batman-style sunglasses for kids ($5) and adults ($7) are flying out Chin’s Sunglasses, 1309 Ocean Front Walk, Venice.

DEAR HOT SHOPPERS: Some of you were more than slightly disturbed--and rightly so--that no one answered the phone when you called an 800 number listed here recently for a great, beat-up-looking, leather-sleeved varsity jacket celebrating the Oakland Raiders’ 1967 season. A company spokesperson says inventory was depleted, so the 800 number won’t be answered until a new catalogue comes out in the fall.


Meanwhile, you can buy the jacket at the Footlocker store in Santa Monica Place. It’s $249.
