
Bob Myers and Anti-Encampment

The predictable response of Boss Myers and his supportive City Council majority in Santa Monica to not prosecute under the anti-encampment law simply highlights the fact that the five bobbing heads on the council insulate Boss Bob from ever having to answer personally to the electorate of Santa Monica.

Instead, the residents of Santa Monica remain hostage to the moral whims of an unelected public official whose contempt for the values of ordinary people would make him unelectable. Nonetheless, come November, the SMRR rent subsidy will buy Boss Myers a few more years in office, and he will continue to impose his moral values on the council and the people of this once-great city.

What Bob Myers’ defenders fail to realize is that allowing him to dictate to the elected representatives of this city whether he will or will not enforce any law on personal moral grounds is dangerously wrong and is an invitation to serious abuse of our democratic system.



Santa Monica
