
Debate Over Death Penalty : In response to “High Court Asked to Allow Execution Despite Evidence,” Oct. 8:

Your article on the death penalty case pending before the Supreme Court infuriated me. Virginia already executed one man this year who was arguably innocent. Texas now attempts to put another to death. For what purpose? Because, despite new evidence, the trial procedures were constitutional and Texas has an interest in moving cases along? An innocent person may have been sentenced to die! His evidence, however late, deserves to be reviewed by a federal judge.

Given the erosion by the Rehnquist court of many so-called constitutional rights, I am not surprised that the Supreme Court agreed to hear this case. What will it take to wake the public up to the fact that the Supreme Court is approaching moral bankruptcy?

Let’s hope Bill Clinton is elected. We need him to appoint justices (not to mention appellate court judges) who know the meaning of humanity.



Los Angeles
