
Pass Up the Free Financial Advice

Regarding the article on Georgette Mosbacher (“Hurricane Georgette,” Sept. 22): It is after marrying three wealthy men twice her age that she now espouses financial independence for women. The only clue that Mrs. Mosbacher might be in the process of evolving into a truly independent person is her comment that unless you have financial resources of your own, you can’t be free.

Her advice to married women who wish to become financially independent is to hold back a few dollars out of the milk money. For a woman to act in secrecy and hide her desire for financial independence from her husband indicates that she doesn’t have the right to be independent. This type of subterfuge is not the act of an independent person nor is it the act of a true partner in marriage.

In the past, when women weren’t legally allowed to own property apart from their husbands, secrecy might have been the only way a woman could protect herself. Thanks to the work of “angry” women’s rights advocates, this is no longer the case. . . . I am an angry feminist and I do not apologize for being a woman. Being a woman is nothing to apologize for.


I only hope Georgette will continue her growth and continue to strive for true independence. As for her book, I suggest readers’ time might be better spent reading Susan Faludi’s “Backlash.”


Fountain Valley
