
A Magazine Chock-Full of Intrigue

Quick! Name a magazine. Of course, the one that first comes to mind is FDA Consumer: the Magazine of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, right?

Founded in 1967, this little-known, advertisement-free, non-copyrighted federal magazine for consumers provides fascinating information about how the FDA works, and it will open your eyes to the many medical dangers and frauds that abound. (All articles are cleared by FDA experts.)

Read features on such topics as drug testing, orthodontic braces and gout. The Updates department includes recalls and rules relating to drugs and other products, such as hair relaxers that will turn your mane green.


Most sizzling: who-done-it Investigators’ Reports, details of FDA product seizures plus criminal and other legal actions, including injunctions. Read about condoms laced with “excessive” holes, canned tuna with rodent hair.

Available by subscription only, 10 annually plus special reports. $15. Fax order to (202) 512-2233 or mail to New Orders, Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954; Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954.
