
Ozo Outburst

I was excited to see the story about Ozomatli and the unique, interesting music they have created (“Ozo Rising,” by Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez, July 25). Having discovered the band while flipping around on PBS one night, I immediately rushed out and bought their album. The rhythms, mixtures of instruments and styles were exhilarating and original. To top it all off, Ozomatli had a strong message for American society: The melting pot is alive and well.

I was, however, extremely disappointed when I read the snippet about their reception in Philadelphia, my hometown. The mention of Mumia Abu-Jamal at the concert was not only unnecessary, it was inciting in nature. They chose the wrong place to protest. It’s too bad; they lost a receptive audience.

That wasn’t the most reckless act, however. That was committed by Valdes-Rodriguez when she stated that “many Philly-Offspring-fan types (most of whom came to hear their personal theme song, ‘Pretty Fly (For a White Guy’),” she crossed the line. Her comment labeled just about every Philadelphia youth as racist and unjust. She goes against everything Ozomatli and their music stands for: bringing people together and crossing all cultural bounds.



Los Angeles
