
Ousting Zacarias

I obviously don’t understand something here. The position of LAUSD superintendent is not an elected position. Therefore, doesn’t he serve at the pleasure of the school board, which is elected? Yes, he is under contract, but does that mean he cannot be fired or bought out? Doesn’t this happen in private business all the time? What is the big deal? The duly elected school board is taking the steps it deems necessary to get the district back on course.

I’m sorry that the previous, lame-duck board, in a petulant act, extended Supt. Ruben Zacarias’ contract as a last slap in the face to not only the newly elected board members but to the electorate in general.


Sherman Oaks

* How refreshing to have the majority of the LAUSD Board of Education with a backbone! Maybe there is hope for our students yet.



San Pedro

* Re “Turning a School Crisis Into an Ethnic Injustice,” Oct. 26:

Agustin Gurza lamented the lack of respect the school board afforded Zacarias in appointing Howard Miller to run the daily operations of the district. I wonder what Gurza would call what the children face daily at their schools: no or outdated schoolbooks, unsanitary or woefully inadequate bath room facilities, overcrowded schools, poor building maintenance, etc. Respectful? Or they should be used to it by now?


