
Christian Product Sales Put at $4 Billion Plus

Religion News Service

As Christian retailers prepare to meet for their annual convention, trade industry officials say Christian product sales exceeded $4 billion in 2000.

A recent survey showed sales by member suppliers of CBA, formerly the Christian Booksellers Assn., were slightly more than $4 billion last year. The total was based on data from 539 companies, including book and Bible publishers and firms specializing in music, gifts and apparel.

The breakdown of the sales is as follows: books and Bibles, $1.77 billion; gifts, $822 million; music, $747 million; and other products, $661 million. Other products include stationery, church supplies, software, curriculum and apparel.


More than 13,000 delegates are expected to attend the 52nd convention of the CBA beginning today and continuing through Thursday in Atlanta.
