
No ‘Them’ and ‘Us’ on Community Land

Your June 30 editorial, “No Big Boxes in This Yard,” is clear evidence of why Los Angeles is a difficult place to do business and why so many large parcels of land have sat blighted for years on end.

For years the city and community have worked to put together plans for Taylor Yard that satisfy a range of needs: jobs, parkland, recreation and entertainment. The city has given all approval, the developer and railroad have made significant contributions to make the vision a reality, and millions of dollars in private donations and government grants have been secured for the projects, including many acres of new parkland. It’s a pity the city’s newspaper didn’t look at a truly innovative way to attack an age-old problem.

Who will end up paying the costs of taking away these entitlements? The people in the community who don’t get needed jobs and entertainment venues near their homes. The businesses that want to locate in Los Angeles but will have to go somewhere else. And ultimately, the taxpayers and the citizens.


This isn’t a project where we have to choose between parks, jobs and much-needed community amenities. Let’s not create a problem where one doesn’t exist.

Marci Wiseman

