
Who Owes Whom in Valley Secession

It is self-evident from “Secession Threat Gets New Respect” (Sept. 27) that taxpayers in the San Fernando Valley are currently, and have historically been, overtaxed, overcharged and under-serviced, to the benefit of the rest of the city. As for “alimony,” the city should be paying it to the new Valley city for its many years of excess taxation and lack of service commensurate to the costs.

Public utilities cited in the article have long since been paid for by Valley residents, especially property owners, and are more than compensated for currently. Utility hookups and infrastructure charges are paid for by the contractors for new construction and passed on to home buyers. The homeowners (and other property owners) pay exorbitant charges to maintain the services (utilities) supplied. My latest utility bill was more than one-third higher because of taxes in the guise of “fees” and other charges. This occurs for every billing period.

Harold E. Boucher

West Hills
